When, due to causes beyond the control of the carrier, the aircraft contracted for is unavailable at the time the air transportation commences or becomes unavailable while carrying out such transportation the carrier may furnish another aircraft of the same type or, with the consent of the party contracting for the use of the aircraft, substitute any other type of aircraft if the rates and charges for the new aircraft are the same as for the original aircraft, except as provided in paragraphs (b) and (c).
When the substituted aircraft is capable of a larger payload than the original aircraft contracted, the payload carried in the substituted aircraft will not be greater than the payload which would have been available in the aircraft originally contracted, unless the party contracting for the use of the aircraft agrees to pay the rates and charges applicable to the substituted aircraft.
When the maximum payload of the substituted aircraft is smaller than the maximum payload of the original aircraft contracted, charges will be based on the rates and charges applicable to the type of substituted aircraft.